Saturday, December 25, 2010

first felting -a success!

Here is an update on my felting projects...

   before the washing machine....

and now after...

Check back to see the final soon..

Friday, November 26, 2010

The cutest

I am just about to put more needles to work..
I found the cutest pattern for two of my cousins. I will have just as much fun knitting
it up as they will playing with it.
It will be my first felting project..
 here is the sneak peek.

if it works out well, next will be horses for my brother.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

as beautiful as a summers day

 What a good start to autumn! The weather- strange for October, but I welcomed it very much.
This made alot of learning time outdoors for the first 8 days of October! We took several walks, a different place each day.

The colors are pretty.
The leaves are falling fast.

I got to go to 2 history- re-enactment festivals! 

Thinking about it right now, I have done things I never have before.

here is my list:
I took a short elephant ride

I watched medieval combat

I had 2 picnics in one week  in October

I saw a sort of Shakespeare play

I pet a buffalo

I watched how a glass marble is made

I watched a (pretend) fencing match in person

In my Shakespeare class we read this sonnet..It was rather humorous, you had to be there!

  Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date . . . .

the 80 degrees this week made me think of this line. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

wooly thoughts

I just wrote a composition about animals getting ready for winter. I remembered the wooly bear caterpillar. I read that depending on how his stripes are it will be either an easy winter or a hard winter.
I saw one last year on a nature walk, so I should go find one again and determine whether old man winter will be gentle or harsh on us. Today, it's time to get out the  hot apple cider and cookies. It's only September and 55 degrees. I have to get my socks done!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

animals and math

So that I don't forget some of the things I have learned this week, I decided to write about it here.
The other day, we read about a coati. After we read about an animal we don't know, we look on youtube to see if there is one in action. Here is one of the videos we found. You will have to look yourself and see if you can find the video of the coati taking a girl's sandwich away on the beach, that one was quite funny. The coati looks like it has alot of cheek, and you'd either find him annoying or hilarious!

This week, we also read about a bumble bee bat, who's home is in Thailand.

I just cast on 223 stitches to start up my first sweater! I am looking for as many notes I can
find from other people who have tried this pattern.
It seems that some have
made modifications. The pattern I chose is from here, which is from Europe. So translating it may make it hard to understand.
I think I've got it.. but I think I may have to learn more algebra
and pythagoras theorem 
for when I get to making my own modifications.
I am excited to learn!

BTW, it is NOT the sweater above.. my mom thought that of that, to post an ugly sweater.
We did have a good laugh, and good time looking at lots of ugly sweaters.. I hope that my
sweater does not turn out ugly.. you'll just have to keep posted.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


 Today, I read about this, bombing   and I had fun looking at galleries online of  bombings..
Looks like fun!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

a long list

 I have a long list of projects
I want to knit/crochet up this fall/winter..
and I only keep finding more..
this is too adorable..
I have to add it to my list too
Have you seen Despicable Me ?

It's maybe the only movie I saw this summer.. atleast, all I can remember.
and I loved it!

Monday, July 26, 2010

it will be a frenzy

 It's done and in the recipient's hands! I hope she loves it.. cause we all do at this house,
and everyone wants one here.

But, it's countdown to getting some other projects off my to- do list.I want to put some projects in the fair and to be mostly done by next week since
my aunt is coming to visit.
1). poncho- almost done!

2). beret- not quite

3). Guenevere doll dress- nope not done yet

Sunday, July 25, 2010

knitting dictionary! (2)

I am still working on this little project that is due for tomorrow! here is a start to it.
I have learned several things: tubular cast on, short rows and wrap in the round, using 2 circs,  a kitchener stitch
and (sigh),  how to rip out short rows because of gaps. Now, I am going to learn a new method to
short rows, I found a great blog.

Friday, July 23, 2010

knitting dictionary!

I've got the cutest project I am about to work on...
but I couldn't understand it till I found this...
and this is a place for reference for me if you are confused!
I love you, youtube! not always, but sometimes, well you know what I mean!
The knitting and crocheting world.. entering it one step at a time!

Monday, July 5, 2010

A quick summer " tweet! "

  It's always fun when you're eating your lunch

and a new visitor comes to your window!
Today, a little cow -bird stopped by..



While I am here.. 
The latest book I am reading is Peter Duck..
and, not what you may think.. it's not about a duck..
but a retired sailor, that is his name. So far, what I can tell you is he joined Captain Flint's crew. And he and the children are about to set sail on the big ocean on a schooner.
I just started and can't wait to go grab my book now.. each chapter is a cliffhanger!
Peter Duck is the 3rd book ( 12 books in all)  in the Swallows and Amazons books by Arthur Ransome. I read the second book in a couple of days.. it was awesome!  These are great books about 4 children from England traveling the the waters in and around islands with real life adventure..near the north land of England just before the border to Scotland.

Last week I had a family vacation time, and before that I was busy helping at church vbs..
I am busy finishing knitting /crocheting projects. I will be working for the next month to put them in the fair. And as I finish them,
I will receive the next book in the series.. so a win- win situation for me! Look for pictures to be added here soon on what I am working on..


Thursday, June 3, 2010

The wild purple

Purple is one of my favorite colors. I am so glad that there are lots
of different
                                                                            kinds of purple flowers to
be found near
where I live.
The other day we
collected some
purple wild flowers
on a nature walk.
These remind me somewhat of violets.Violets 
( the common blue, that is) were flowers we collected several  weeks ago. I just found a great site to check out. These are however different flowers. From this site, I have learned that there is more then one of kind of violet, check out the site, somewhat interesting.

The purple flower we found was called a Dame's Rocket. It is different then the violet. A violet blooms around Easter. A violet has five petals,
broad, heart-shaped leaves, it's Height is: 3-8 inches tall.  I think violets smell sweet.The violets we found don't grow on stalks with several blooms, they grow on their own like dandelions do. The violets we know, grow back every year, a perennial.

The Dame's Rocket is said to be biannual. Which explains why we don't remember seeing it last year on a trail we like to walk. It has four petals. It grows up to 3 feet (or higher) tall. It is native to where I live.It grows on stalks with several blooms. It has "wide coarsely toothed lance- shaped leaves" that grow 1 to 3 inches long. To me, the Dame's Rocket smells like a mix of clover and lilac. Both  these purple flowers  make a nice bouquet on the table for a few days, and  nice page in my notebook.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Anything but spiders!

I would most definitely prefer to write about almost anything else..other than a spider!

Our family read about this yellow guy the other day.. everyone seemed to think it is quite interesting.
So, I will do my best to describe an amazing animal in God's amazing kingdom..

(this photo is from here )

First of all, we learned that it is an amazing creature and known to be a "Master of Disguise". This spider changes color to match its surroundings. He's a very small spider, the largest could only be about an inch big. Unlike other spiders, this spider does not have a web. The yellow crab spider does not wrap its victims in silk, instead it grabs them and uses its fast acting venom to immobilize them, then the crab spider has it's lunch! Believe it or not, the crab spider is beneficial. They capture flies and mites. They do eat honeybees too, but we'll appreciate that they eat the bugs we swat, which is helpful.

If you saw this spider sitting on a golden rod or sunflower, you may have to look twice to find it. It also has abilities to change to white when on a daisy. Other crab spiders can resemble tree bark, leaves, fruit or even bird poop! And yet another group of crab spiders can adapt to look like ants!  These spiders are not poisonous to humans, they don't seek out humans, their bite is not dangerous. If you find one, just put a cup over him and slide a piece of paper under him and take him back out to the wild.

So, if I happen to see one myself this summer, I will take a special photo just for you..

who knows, always learning about things for a reason...

short video clip  (just click)

 here is another link,  if you want to know more (just click)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

unexpectedly interesting!

 Are there as many unique birds in the world as there are places to travel or learn about? I am really starting to think so. From my last post I told you to look for this posting about a strange bird..
Here is it. The Kakapo!! You may not know, this bird is endangered..According to my findings, there are less than 100 left. He lives in New Zealand. But, There are reproductive programs going on right now.  This bird is in the parrot family. listen

This parrot is nocturnal. He is a good sized bird, up to 9 pounds and he doesn't fly. Below are 2 links about the Kakapo. I never realized that birds are so fun to learn about. Each day this summer we are going to be reading about birds.

We hope to find some, that we haven't seen before, in view too. 

link 2

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy endings- and the last stitches of almost 6 skeins!

After two great books.. I am about to bind off my latest knitting project..
I try to knit and read at the same time.. but, the excitment of the books was like
chewing gum slowly and not being able to move my eyes off the page...

The books were the sequels to Inkheart, Inkspell and Inkdeath... by the way, look what I got for my birthday..
how'd they know??  At the end of the triology.. I was relieved.. I could breath again.. my heart was glad to find that Fenoglio was back in charge of the stories.. Maggie found she has a brother.. Dustfinger
makes it through.. Resa has found her voice- .Farid follows his heart .. And very happy news, Roxanne is no longer grieving..and
Gwin has a new friend, called Jink..oh, you'll just have to read to get to know these, my favorite
characters- that I know so well... I learned about a bird at the
end, I was so interested in this bird, I looked it up here....

Which reminds me to tell you about another very interesting  bird I recently read about - that will be in a post to look forward to...stay tuned..

So, what will take the place of these great stories
you might ask..

here are
my next 3 coming 
from the library...