Thursday, June 3, 2010

The wild purple

Purple is one of my favorite colors. I am so glad that there are lots
of different
                                                                            kinds of purple flowers to
be found near
where I live.
The other day we
collected some
purple wild flowers
on a nature walk.
These remind me somewhat of violets.Violets 
( the common blue, that is) were flowers we collected several  weeks ago. I just found a great site to check out. These are however different flowers. From this site, I have learned that there is more then one of kind of violet, check out the site, somewhat interesting.

The purple flower we found was called a Dame's Rocket. It is different then the violet. A violet blooms around Easter. A violet has five petals,
broad, heart-shaped leaves, it's Height is: 3-8 inches tall.  I think violets smell sweet.The violets we found don't grow on stalks with several blooms, they grow on their own like dandelions do. The violets we know, grow back every year, a perennial.

The Dame's Rocket is said to be biannual. Which explains why we don't remember seeing it last year on a trail we like to walk. It has four petals. It grows up to 3 feet (or higher) tall. It is native to where I live.It grows on stalks with several blooms. It has "wide coarsely toothed lance- shaped leaves" that grow 1 to 3 inches long. To me, the Dame's Rocket smells like a mix of clover and lilac. Both  these purple flowers  make a nice bouquet on the table for a few days, and  nice page in my notebook.

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