We get a magazine called Answers in Genesis, I learn alot from it.
Today I was reading about the Tower of Babel. Moses wrote the first five books of the bible.
He was educated just like a prince. He knew about the history, geography and cultures of his world, which was Egypt.But God is the one who spoke to Moses telling him what he must write.Moses wrote about the account of Babel. Babel was after the flood and Noah. The people were excellent builders.They wanted to build a tall tower, and a great city. So they got together, put their ideas together and began to build. They used bricks. God didn't like this idea. He came down to see what they were building. He confused their language. They could no longer understand one another, and this quickly put a stop to it. What was started was only the foundation. This was only 300 feet tall. The Empire State building is over three times taller than this. We can only imagine what this tower (Babel) might have looked like. The bricks might have been made with limestone, which is strong like concrete bricks.
Today, the city is not found, nor the tower, because God confused the people in the early stages.
The people scattered all over the world. Each family left with their own talents, so some civilizations had better structures and cities then others. Read Genesis 11 to see more about.
(about the picture: only a guess of what Babel may have looked like)
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