To look at the cover of this book, it may look boring... but I looked above the picture and saw
two flags, one a swallow and the other a jolly roger. A jolly roger is a skull and cross bones. I then thought, ok, I will pick it up and read it. It may be good. The book is called
Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome.
This is a book series written long ago, it takes place in England,during the years of the "great depression", near the Lake District. The Lakes District is near the border of Scotland. . It was given to me by my parents and thanks to a new friend who has already read it and said it was good, got me to open the book and start reading.
One of the first things that happens is the youngest boy is zig-zagging up a hilly field. He is pretending to be a ship. He sees his mother holding a red envelope. He knows that it is the answer from their letters sent to their father asking if the could go to the island.There are 4 children mentioned. In the red envelope is a telegram, it is opened and it says "better to drown then be duffers,if not duffers won't drown." At first, I didn't get what he meant. But, as I read on I now know that they will be going to the island- and adventures await them! Look for more posts as I continue to read. My parents said if I like this first book, I will get my own copy of the whole series, which is 12 books!