So that I don't forget some of the things I have learned this week, I decided to write about it here.
The other day, we read about a coati. After we read about an animal we don't know, we look on youtube to see if there is one in action. Here is one of the
videos we found. You will have to look yourself and see if you can find the video of the coati taking a girl's sandwich away on the beach, that one was quite funny. The coati looks like it has alot of cheek, and you'd either find him annoying or hilarious!

This week, we also read about a bumble bee bat, who's home is in Thailand.

I just cast on 223 stitches to start up my first sweater! I am looking for as many notes I can
find from other people who have tried this pattern.
It seems that some have
made modifications. The pattern I chose is from
here, which is from Europe. So translating it may make it hard to understand.
I think I've got it.. but I think I may have to learn more algebra
pythagoras theorem
for when I get to making my own modifications.
I am excited to learn!
BTW, it is NOT the sweater above.. my mom thought that of that, to post an ugly sweater.
We did have a good laugh, and good time looking at lots of ugly sweaters.. I hope that my
sweater does not turn out ugly.. you'll just have to keep posted.